Nerve Mobilization (NM) is a nerve therapy process aiming at specifically locating and treating nerve compression all over the body. This treatment is done through the application of gentle and precise pressure to the nerves to floss or glide it through the nerve sheath that is composed of connective tissue surrounding the nerve. Physical therapists in Gallup, NM often offer assessment and treatment to patients whose disability and pain are caused by the peripheral nervous system impaired mobility.
Physical therapy in Gallup, NM is a therapy that is based on movement, applied through exercise or manually. This technique can be effective for different neuromusculoskeletal conditions like nerve-related back and neck pain. Sciatica (also referred to as the sciatic nerve) is one of the most common places that could have nerve compression. The presence of a compression sends abnormal signals to the organ, muscle, connective tissue, or parts of the brain that it innervates. Abnormal pressure changes within the nerve resulting from these compressions can cause numbness, weakness, burning and/or tingling, and hence could lead to problems in the function and structure of what it connects.
Physical therapy at Enchantment Physical Therapy focuses on the cause of the pain. According to research, the pain originates from the way a person’s brain connects to the part in pain. If the nerve has a problem, the brain could make a muscle spasm, restrict and/or inflame the connective tissue, possibly inhibit areas of the brain, and/or decrease the organ system(s) functions. Physical therapy in Gallup, NM offers a permanent solution to the problem. Despite various self-care techniques like pain medications, heat, rest, and ice, nerve pain does not resolve itself. The tissue often bunches up into tight spots that cannot be dissipated naturally by the body. Basic self-help first aid and pharmaceutical pain medications only offer temporary pain relief but are unable to treat the 3-D fascial restrictions. Untreated restrictions could result to even more pain over time as they get worse.
Physical therapists in Gallup, NM perform nerve manipulations on the nerve fixation. This procedure helps the nerve to move more smoothly through the nerve sheath with no restriction. Additionally, the nerve pathway can signal appropriately to the compromised part of the body it innervates. It, therefore, improves function and reduces symptoms related to nerves such as numbness, tingling, pain, and burning. The trained physical therapists in Enchantment Physical Therapy can offer Myofascial pain relief through identifying the trigger points and other associated pain regions through mobilization and stretching of the fascia. This aims to restore mobility, elasticity, and pain-free movement.
Visit us today at Enchantment Physical Therapy in Gallup, NM for treatment.