Fibromyalgia is an extremely serious condition characterized by pain in the soft tissues of the body. It is a common disorder that affects both muscles and the skeleton. Fibromyalgia is characterized as a symptom, not a disease as its source of occurrence is unknown.
Fibromyalgia may result due to stress or traumatic emotional or physical events such as accidents. Other causes include rheumatism and lupus. The condition is hereditary depending on how our genes handle pain. Women are at a greater risk of developing fibromyalgia.
Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Debilitating pain in the muscles and joints
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Dysmenorrhea
- Vision and memory problems
- Lifestyle changes
- Stress management
By enrolling in physical therapy at Enchantment Physical Therapy, you will be exposed to these effective treatments plans:
- A regular exercise remedy
- Antidepressant medication
- Physical therapy
The remedial insertion of needles into living tissues has shown positive results among patients. Psychotherapy is also very effective in treating fibromyalgia. Physical therapists at Enchantment Physical Therapy will also incorporate lessons on the change in lifestyles, such as the change in diet and exercises. These health care professionals also help fibromyalgia patients to create body strength and improve mobility while giving them wise counsel on how to make daily life decisions.
Physical Therapy
This focuses on the treatment of diseases and disabilities through creative engagement of body muscles, tissues and nervous system. Regular physical therapy programs help patients focus on healthy lifestyles without stressing over their fatigue or body pains. Your physical therapist will help you with appropriate body postures which will allow efficient muscle function. In addition, the therapist may use certain exercises to help you improve muscle flexibility and reduce muscle tension.
Visit our offices in Gallup, NM for more information.