Every athlete is vigilant about their training and religiously follows their dieting and fueling practices. However, very few of them give the same dedication to receiving regular Athletic Tune Ups. Getting regular bodywork is of vital importance especially for the athlete who is in season. The physical therapists at Enchantment Physical Therapy have come up with the best forms of therapy and massage that work wonders in maintaining every single part of the athlete’s body.
The best time for athletes to get a massage is roughly three weeks to the main event, and one the day before or on the day of the game. Also, a massage immediately after the competition relaxes and stretches the body. The physical therapists in Gallup, NM are well trained to administer professional, effective massages to athletes.
Effective treatment
Deep tissue massage is an effective form of athletic tune up, and here is its importance:
- According to recent studies, deep tissue massage boosts the number and size of new mitochondria produced in the body of an athlete compared to exercising without the massage. The increased mitochondria count increases the rate at which muscles utilize oxygen hence boosting endurance performance in athletes.
- Massage therapy has proven to increase the range of motion. It also reduces recovery time between an athlete’s training sessions and even during the sports events. Increased movement and energy are everything for an athlete.
- Injuries are every athlete’s greatest fear. Massages reduce the recovery period after sports injuries. The massage also acts as a preventive measure against injuries. The massage and therapy prevent strains and injuries during workouts. After a workout, another massage would return muscles to their relaxed state.
The assigned physical therapist in Gallup, NM will describe the best strategy towards quality tune-up of the athlete’s body.
Here are the long-term benefits of monthly physiotherapy exercises and deep tissue massage:
- Reduces recovery time after an injury
- Lowers anxiety
- Relieves pain and tension in muscles
- Boosts connective tissue healing to promote muscle elasticity
- Improves flexibility
- Improves mood
For successful treatment and athlete body maintenance, seek physical therapy at Enchantment Physical Therapy in Gallup, NM.