Enchantment Physical Therapy seeks to provide the best possible individualized patient experience and the highest level of treatment and care in the field of physical therapy in Gallup, NM. We are committed to your health, we will support and treat you to resolve problems that could hold you back. Our highly trained team is here for you on your path to full recovery every step of the way.
Physical therapists at Enchantment Physical Therapy in Gallup, NM wants you to get better because we want you to be fit, healthy, and excited about your health. We think that pain is a brain production caused by memories, fears, and anxieties. We’ll teach you and train you in strategies that will show you how pain can be removed.
Our Elite Physical Therapy Team is committed to delivering the highest quality physical therapy care in Gallup, NM. By using specialized manual therapy methods, drills, and fully describing pain with existing and correct medical principles, we aim to treat pain from chronic pain and injuries.
Physical therapy, Balance, Exercise
We use vigorous manual therapy and exercise not only to help relieve the pain but also to combat the concerns of patients, and to correct the root causes.
We take pride in providing the customers with a first-class experience from start to finish.
Our Services
Enchantment Physical Therapy Fitness memberships are not like any other gym membership in Gallup, NM. Physical therapists at Enchantment Physical Therapy can ensure that patients do what they need to keep on working towards their health goals. Patients are given customized exercises designed to attain the goals and needs of individuals.